Sony Mouse 263 User Manual

Even if the w heel button is rotated, the zoom  
function does not operate.  
The USB connecting terminal is disabled by your  
No t e  
This equipment has been tested and found to  
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits  
are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential  
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can  
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  
and used in accordance with the instructions, may  
cause harmful interference to radio  
communications. However, there is no guarantee  
that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  
interference to radio or television reception, which  
can be determined by turning the equipment off and  
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the  
interference by one or more of the following  
Un p a ckin g Yo u r Mo u se  
Check that the package contains before using this  
If anything is missing, contact the Sony dealer  
where you purchased this product or a Sony service  
representative serving your local area.  
Co n n e ct in g t h e m o u se  
You can use this mouse by connecting it to the USB  
connecting terminal of your computer.  
Id e n t ifica t io n d e s  
é lé m e n t s d e la so u ris  
cTry the following, using the key board or  
another functional mouse. Double-click the  
[System] icon in the [Control Panel], and click  
[Device Manager]. If [!] is displayed for the USB  
device icon or the mouse icon, choose [!] and  
click [Delete], then restart your computer.  
The application does not support the zoom  
cThe zoom function cannot be used with  
applications that do not support the zoom  
Po u r p ré ve n ir t o u t risq u e d ’in ce n d ie o u  
d ’é le ct ro cu t io n , g a rd e r ce t a p p a re il à  
l’a b ri d e la p lu ie e t d e l’h u m id it é .  
Op t ica l USB  
Mo u se  
Bouton molette  
Connect this mouse to the USB connecting terminal  
of your computer. The mouse is recognized by your  
computer, and is ready for use.  
Bouton droit  
Even w hile my mouse is in use, the display is  
dark, or the computer enters the System Suspend  
mode or the System Hibernation mode.  
The USB connecting terminal is disabled in the  
BIOS settings.  
- Microsoft et Windows sont des marques déposées  
de Microsoft Corporation aux États-Unis et/ou  
dans d’autres pays.  
- Tous les autres noms de systèmes et de produits  
sont des marques de commerce ou des marques  
déposées de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Les  
symboles ™ et ® ne sont pas utilisés dans le  
présent mode d’emploi.  
• Mouse SMU-CM2/SMU-CL2  
Bouton gauche  
Operating Instructions  
Mode demploi  
cCheck the BIOS settings in the default settings  
of your computer. The USB connecting terminal  
may have been disabled. Enable the USB  
connecting terminal, following the manual, etc.,  
of your computer.  
Depending on the USB equipment you use,  
computers may enter the System Suspend mode  
or the System Hibernation mode even while the  
USB equipment is being used.  
cTo prevent your notebook computer from  
entering these modes, change the power  
management settings of the computer. For  
details, refer to the manual or online manual of  
your notebook computer.  
• When you connect this mouse to your computer, or  
when you start up your computer, do not move this  
mouse until it is identified.  
Manual de instrucciones  
Ca ra ct é rist iq u e s  
t e ch n iq u e s  
Co n n e ct e u r  
Borne USB  
• Do not connect to a computer using a USB hub.  
The [Found New Hardw are w izard] appears  
w hen I connect this mouse to my computer.  
St a rt u p yo u r co m p u t e r.  
• Operating instructions (this manual)  
Your computer has more than one USB  
connecting terminal.  
- Les lois sur les droits d’auteur interdisent la  
reproduction du mode d’emploi et du logiciel  
fournis avec cette souris, en tout ou en partie,  
ainsi que la location du logiciel, sans  
l’autorisation du détenteur des droits d’auteur.  
- SONY ne peut en aucun cas être tenu  
responsable de quelque dommage financier ou  
perte de profits que ce soit, y compris des  
réclamations faites par des tiers, survenant à la  
suite de l’utilisation du logiciel fourni avec  
cette souris.  
- Si un problème lié au produit survient suite à  
un défaut de fabrication, SONY s’engage à le  
remplacer. Toutefois, SONY n’accepte aucune  
autre responsabilité.  
- Le logiciel fourni avec cette souris ne peut pas  
être utilisé avec des appareils autres que ceux  
désignés pour une utilisation avec cette souris.  
- Veuillez noter que, suite à des efforts continus  
pour améliorer la qualité, les caractéristiques  
techniques du logiciel fourni avec cette souris  
sont sujettes à modification sans préavis.  
Co n n e ct t h is m o u se t o t h e USB  
co n n e ct in g t e rm in a l o f yo u r co m p u t e r.  
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
– Increase the separation between the equipment  
and receiver.  
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit  
different from that to which the receiver is  
cThe USB equipment driver may be installed for  
every port according to the computer. Click  
[Cancel] on the [Found New Hardware wizard]  
and reconnect the mouse to the USB connecting  
terminal for which the driver is already  
installed. Otherwise, install the driver for all the  
USB connecting terminals to which you wish to  
connect the mouse.  
cTouch the touchpad or press any key to exit  
these modes.  
Po u vo ir d e ré so lu t io n  
800 cpi  
Your computer automatically recognizes the  
mouse, allowing you to use it.  
Id e n t ifyin g t h e Pa rt s  
Syst è m e s d e xp lo it a t io n p ris e n ch a rg e  
2004 Sony Corporation  
Printed in China  
Windows® XP Professionnel, Windows® XP Edition  
familiale, Windows® 2000 Professionnel, Windows®  
Millennium Edition, Windows® 98 Deuxième Edition  
(Installé par le fabricant.)  
• Some computers may require installing an OS disk.  
In this case, follow the directions shown on your  
• Depending on the condition of the computer or OS,  
operation of this mouse may become unstable or  
impossible. In such a case, refer to  
Pre ca u t io n s  
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV  
technician for help.  
Wheel button  
Right button  
Your health may be affected if you do not follow the  
caution below.  
Prolonged use of this product may strain your wrist or  
If you feel any pain during use, stop immediately and  
take a rest. If the pain persists, even after a prolonged  
rest, consult a doctor.  
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications  
not expressly approved in this manual could void  
your authority to operate this equipment.  
The pointer sometimes does not move even  
though the mouse w orks.  
Lo n g u e u r d u co rd o n  
Environ 1,0 m (3 pi 3 3/8 po) (SMU-CM2)  
Environ 1,5 m (4 pi 11 1/8 po) (SMU-CL2)  
Left button  
The mouse is in the auto scroll mode.  
cPress the wheel button to exit this mode.  
• After disconnecting this mouse from the USB  
connecting terminal, wait about five seconds to  
reconnect it. (If you reconnect it immediately, it may  
not be recognized.)  
If you have any questions about this product, you  
may call; Sony Customer Information Services  
Te m p é ra t u re d e fo n ct io n n e m e n t  
5 °C à 35 °C (41 °F à 95 °F)  
Hu m id it é d e fo n ct io n n e m e n t  
20 % à 80 % (non condensée)  
Te m p é ra t u re d e n t re p o sa g e  
–10 °C à 60 °C (14 °F à 140 °F)  
Hu m id it é d ’e n t re p o sa g e  
10 % à 90 % (non condensée)  
The optical reading sensor is not working  
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck h a za rd , d o n o t  
e xp o se t h e u n it t o ra in o r m o ist u re .  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
cDue to the nature of this optical mouse, do not  
use the mouse on glass, a mirror, or glossy  
surfaces as it will not work properly. Use the  
mouse with a mouse pad, or lay something  
suitable under it.  
Declaration of Conformity  
Co n n e ct o r  
USB terminal  
On safety  
Fo r cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.  
Ow n e r’s Re co rd  
Should any solid object or liquid fall into the casing,  
disconnect the USB mouse and have it checked by  
qualified personnel before continuing use.  
Trade Name : SONY  
You can connect/disconnect this mouse without  
turning off the power of your computer.  
Model No. : SMU-CM2/SMU-CL2  
Responsible Party : Sony Electronics Inc.  
Address : 16450 W. Bernardo Dr, San Diego, CA  
92127 USA  
Re so lvin g p o w e r  
800 count/inch  
The model number and the serial number are  
located on the bottom of the mouse. Record the  
serial number in the space provided below. Refer to  
this number whenever you call your Sony dealer  
regarding this product.  
On placement  
Nothing happens w hen I press the buttons of the  
Su p p o rt e d OS  
Do not place the USB mouse in a location where it is:  
• On an unstable surface  
• On a rug or carpet  
• In very humid areas, or where there is no ventilation  
• Subject to excessive dust  
• Subject to direct sunlight or extreme heat  
• Extremely cold  
Windows® XP Professional, Windows® XP Home  
Edition, Windows® 2000 Professional, Windows®  
Millennium Edition, Windows® 98 Second Edition  
(Manufacturer installed.)  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
If you experience any of the following difficulties  
while using this mouse, refer to this troubleshooting  
guide to help remedy the problem. If the problem  
persists, consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
Dim e n sio n s  
Telephone No. : 858-942-2230  
Environ 59 × 34 × 98 mm (2 3/8 × 1 3/8 × 3 7/8 po)  
(l/h/p) (SMU-CM2)  
The USB connector is not connected properly.  
cAfter closing all the applications, reconnect the  
USB connector.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC  
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two  
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful  
interference, and (2) this device must accept any  
interference received, including interference that  
may cause undesired operation.  
Dé b a lla g e d e vo t re  
so u ris  
Vérifiez que l’emballage contient les éléments cités  
S’il manque l’un de ces éléments, contactez le  
détaillant Sony auprès duquel vous avez acheté ce  
produit ou le représentant du service après-vente  
Sony de votre région.  
Environ 65 × 35 × 113 mm (2 5/8 × 1 7/16 × 4 1/2 po)  
(l/h/p) (SMU-CL2)  
Model No. SMU-CM2/SMU-CL2  
Serial No.  
Co rd le n g t h  
Approx. 1.0 m (3 ft, 3 3/8 in) (SMU-CM2)  
Approx. 1.5 m (4 ft, 11 1/8 in) (SMU-CL2)  
This mouse does not support the OS of your  
cUse an OS that this mouse supports.  
Ma sse  
My mouse does not w ork.  
Environ 70 g (2.47 oz) (y compris le cordon) (SMU-CM2)  
Environ 83 g (2.93 oz) (y compris le cordon) (SMU-CL2)  
• In a car with the windows closed.  
The scrolling features do not w ork  
Op e ra t in g t e m p e ra t u re  
5˚C to 35˚C (41˚F to 95˚F)  
Op e ra t in g h u m id it y  
20% to 80% (not condensed)  
St o ra g e t e m p e ra t u re  
–10˚C to 60˚C (14˚F to 140˚F)  
St o ra g e h u m id it y  
10% to 90 % (not condensed)  
Dim e n sio n s  
Approx. 59 × 34 × 98 mm (2 3/8 × 1 3/8 × 3 7/8 in)  
(w/h/d) (SMU-CM2)  
Approx. 65 × 35 × 113 mm (2 5/8 × 1 7/16 × 4 1/2 in)  
(w/h/d) (SMU-CL2)  
The USB connector is not connected properly.  
cAfter closing all the applications, reconnect the  
USB connector.  
- Microsoft and Windows are registered  
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the  
United States and/or other countries.  
- All other names of systems and products are  
trademarks or registered trademarks of their  
respective owners. ™ and ® marks are omitted in  
this manual.  
On operation  
This mouse does not support the OS of your  
cUse an OS that this mouse supports.  
If the USB mouse is brought directly from a cold to a  
warm location, or is placed in a very damp room,  
moisture may condense on the inside of the mouse. If  
this occurs, the mouse may not work properly.  
In this case, wait about 30 minutes for the moisture to  
evaporate. If the mouse does not work properly after  
one hour, consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
La conception et les caractéristiques techniques sont  
sujettes à modification sans préavis.  
(After disconnecting the mouse from the USB  
connecting terminal, reconnect it after about  
five seconds.)  
An application that does not support the  
scrolling features is open.  
cSome applications do not support the scrolling  
• Souris SMU-CM2/SMU-CL2  
The mouse is not recognized by your computer  
through the USB connecting terminal to which  
the mouse is connected.  
cIf your computer has more than one USB  
connecting terminal, try connecting the mouse  
to other USB connecting terminals.  
(After disconnecting the mouse from the USB  
connecting terminal, reconnect it after about  
five seconds.)  
cTurn off the power of your computer while the  
mouse is connected to it, then start it up again  
after about 30 seconds.  
Ra cco rd e m e n t d e la  
so u ris  
Vous pouvez utiliser cette souris en la raccordant à  
la borne de raccordement USB de votre ordinateur.  
- Copyright laws prohibit reproducing the  
software supplied with this mouse or the  
manual accompanying it in whole or in part, or  
renting the software without the permission of  
the copyright holder.  
- In no event will SONY be liable for any financial  
damages, or loss of profits, including claims  
made by third parties, arising out of the use of  
the software supplied with this mouse.  
- In the event a problem occurs with this product  
as a result of defective manufacturing, SONY  
will replace it. However, SONY bears no other  
- The software provided with this mouse cannot  
be used with equipment other than that which  
is so designated.  
- Please note that, due to continued efforts to  
improve quality, the specifications of the  
software supplied with this mouse may be  
changed without notice.  
Pointer speed cannot be set on a notebook  
Sony is exempt from responsibility for any malfunction  
or other problem caused as a result of using this mouse.  
Priority is given to the pointing device built into  
the notebook computer. Therefore, it may not be  
possible to set up with a USB-connected mouse.  
• Mode d’emploi (le présent document)  
Raccordez cette souris à la borne de raccordement  
USB de votre ordinateur. La souris est détectée par  
votre ordinateur et est prête à l’emploi.  
Ma ss  
The mouse property settings are disabled.  
Approx. 70 g (2.47 oz) (including the cord) (SMU-CM2)  
Approx. 83 g (2.93 oz) (including the cord) (SMU-CL2)  
More than one mouse is connected to the USB  
connecting terminals.  
cDisconnect all mice other than this one.  
(If your mouse still does not work, repeat this  
procedure several times.)  
Design and specifications are subject to change without  
Utility driver software for another mouse is  
• Lorsque vous raccordez cette souris à votre  
ordinateur ou lorsque vous démarrez votre  
ordinateur, ne déplacez pas cette souris avant qu’elle  
ait été identifiée.  
• Ne raccordez pas la souris à un ordinateur à l’aide  
d’un concentrateur USB.  
The optical reading sensor is not working  
cUninstall the utility driver software and then  
restart your computer. The operating system’s  
mouse property settings become effective. For  
details about uninstalling, refer to the manual,  
etc., of your utility driver software.  
cDue to the nature of this optical mouse, do not  
use the mouse on glass, a mirror, or glossy  
surfaces as it will not work properly. Use the  
mouse with a mouse pad, or lay something  
suitable under it.  
(A touchpad function may be disabled when  
you use a notebook computer.)  
The mouse is connected through a USB hub or a  
cConnect the mouse directly to your computer.  
Vo ir a u ve rso .  

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